Human Resourcing

Recruiting the right candidate with right skill-set is not a single-step process. It is time and effort consuming with budget constraints that involves various stages that build productive and profitable human capital for any organization. Below is an overview on how typical recruitment process work and at what stages we at Skillclear Revel Tech can partner with you to meet the objectives of the organization.

The need for recruitment

Organizations create the job description that best establishes the recruitment needs from the prospective employee. This makes it easier to shortlist candidates suitable according to the skills defined in job description. If an organization is replacing an employee, identifying the needs is easier and quicker. Whereas, it is complicated when a new job posting is to be created based on new technologies and project demands incorporating new technologies and tools required. In this case, the organization would have to brainstorm and research to generate a suitable job description that meets their goals and objectives both of the project as well as of the organization. We at SCRT are not involved in this step as it is the responsibility of the organization.

Job description preparation 

On zeroing on the need for recruitment is identified, then comes preparing the job description. The job description should highlight the key technologies, tools, roles and responsibilities of the potential candidate. The organization can include various other significant information like communication skills, management skills, etc., should be included in the job description. It is vital to be very specific with the organization’s needs in the job description. This allows to shortlist potential candidates just by looking at the resume thus making the recruitment process easier, faster and more manageable. We at SCRT are not involved in this step as it is the responsibility of the organization.

Recruitment Plan / Strategy

In this step the organization will have to draw a plan and timeline for the fulfillment of the recruitment. In this step the organization will have to decide if they are sourcing the potential candidates internally or externally. If recruitment is done internally, then a transition / exit plan for the identified employee and fulfilling / replacing with another employee has to be planned and worked out by the project teams and organization. On the other hand, if the recruitment is decided to go external i.e., to recruit potential candidates from the market, then the internal recruitment team will have to flag to external partners / vendors. This is the step SCRT steps in after receiving the requirements and fulfillment plan from our clients. We align our sourcing strategy according to the plan of the source from our internal database pool and/or from the job market potential. 

Search for potential candidates begins

In this step we at SCRT on confirmation from the organization for external recruitment, start searching for potential candidates both from the available internal database as well as from external markets. This is very time-consuming step. However, with various tools available our team scans for potential candidates from all possible means. These tools and our trained team sort and identify the potential applicants saving time and helping in selecting suitable candidates keeping the fulfillment timeline in mind

Screening of potential candidates – phone screening, in-person interview 

Once we at SCRT identify the potential applicants, the screening begins. First, we speak to the applicants via phone and analyze their suitability based on their experience, reason for applying for this job, similar project experience, communication skills and so on. Through this step we are able to choose only the top-tier candidates or those who can perform according to the job description. Secondly, video or in-house interview will be conducted by SCRT on need basis to further shortlist the best and suitable applicants. Then finally, these applicants will be presented to the recruitment team of the organization for their selection process. This ensures faster screening/interview by the organization with minimal time and effort from their end.  

Job offer and On-boarding process

Once the organization finalizes on the candidate(s), the recruit & on-boarding team is responsible to review all the applicants of their background, and finally release offer for the selected candidate(s). At the same time a good and attractive deal that is better than the selected candidate’s previous job will make it more likely for them to accept the offer. However, they may reject the offer because the candidate may be interviewing with other companies. Thus, it is vital to make the deal desirable for them.

After hiring the candidate, the last step is the on-boarding process. This process does not involve just the paperwork—the team should ensure that all the processes and resources are made available to the candidate. We at SCRT are not involved in this step as it is the responsibility of the organization.